2901 Ohio Blvd
Suite 140A
Terre Haute, IN 47803
United States
ph: 812-645-4864
fax: 317-203-0727
alt: 812-652-4802
What is a FAA DER?
A FAA DER is a delegate/designee of the FAA administrator. The FAA appoints certain qualified persons to perform functions reserved to the FAA administrator. This is delegated through FAA regulation 14 CFR Part 183.29. These designee's report through their geographic ACO office, which is the engineering branch of the FAA. Also DERT, DERY, and RS-DER's now in effect. [See 8110.37x]
What is a FAA DAR-F?
A FAA DAR-F is a delegate/designee of the FAA administrator. The FAA appoints certain qualified persons to perform functions reserved to the FAA administrator. This is delegated through FAA regulation 14 CFR Part 183.33. These designees report through their geographic MIDO office, which is the manufacturing branch of the FAA.
What is a FAA DAR-T?
FAA DAR-T is a delegate/designee of the FAA administrator. The FAA appoints certain qualified persons to perform functions reserved to the FAA administrator. This is delegated through FAA regulation 14 CFR Part 183.29. These designees report through their geographic FSDO office, which is the maintenance branch of the FAA.
Can all FAA DER's approve Major Repairs or Alterations?
No! Major repairs and alterations are special delegations and must be delegated in "addition" to the DER basic delegation areas. In addition, a multiple use delegation must be included if major repairs are to be multiple use. A FAA Order 8110.37x was revised to define a "Function" called an RS-DER, which add's an administrative delegated function for "Multiple Repairs" to allow approval in conjunction with coordination to the FSDO, a Repair Process" that is added to the maintenance facilities operations and limtations specifications, now located in, Order Ref 8110.37F, Sect 4-12 & 4-13.
Is a PMA Identicality finding by a DER require special delegation?
Yes! Only specially delegated DER's can make a identicality finding on behalf of the FAA ACO. [Ref Order 8110.42D, & 8110.37F] * Note: See new CFR 21 changes AC 21-42, 21-43, 21-44, & Order 8120.17, & AC21.303-4.
Can a FAA DER with Major repair authorization approve repairs that will be used in EASA countries?
Yes! But only if the DER approval is for a US Type design product, appliance or component, and the data meets ALL the requirements of the EASA Bi-lateral Dated 2019 Check FAA AIR 40 International Website for any recent changes. Also FAA On-Line Training available for EASA - USA agreements course.
What guidance is available for a DARF/T or DMIR with regards to Export Tags, and AC 00-56 distributors?
FAA Order(s) 8130.21*, and AC 00-56* provide the guidance to execute the proper documentation for these.
Ref * latest revision.
Can the FAA ACO authorize DER's to Fully Approve Life Limited Parts Major Repairs?
This answer is "NOT Likely" because the recent revised order 8110.37F sections 4-10 thru 4-12 direct DER's and ACO's to "Seek Coordination through the CMACO, and to only execute an 8110-3 with "Recommend Only" annotated. *Note: See directorate policy memo's for various "Products". However, the CMACO will determine the scope of all delegations.
Can a FAA DER approve "Minor Repairs" using a 8110-3?
The latest revision of 8110.37x section 4-12, now "discourgages" the use of the 8110-3 form for this purpose, by the phrase "Therefore Not Appropriate" however, your local FSDO and ACO could find reasons to have the DER to issue a 8110-3, and therefore your ACO could allow the DER to use the 8110-3 and thereby making it "Appropriate"! Since most "Minor Repairs" are covered under 14 CFR Part 1.1, and 43 rules as using "Acceptable data" vs "Approved data" the cognizant local FSDO can accept the classification and catagory of minor under the field approval method [ref AC 43-210A], without intervention of the ACO and/or DER's. *Note: The following National polices support this action: AC 43-18 chg 2, Cat 3 parts, 8900.1 Vol 4 Ch 9 & 8300.16a. [as examples]. In all cases of of MINOR repairs or Alterations, you should coordinate with FSDO/ACO. For further info contact us for details.
Does EASA accept FAA PMA's?
Yes, EASA has issued a Executive Directive ED2007-03-CF, that accepts all FAA "Minor" and Non-Life Limited" PMA's without further validation. This has been re-stated in the latest EASA Bi-lateral 2019.
What or FAA guidance is avialble for DER's to follow regarding Major Repairs and Major Alterations?
The FAA often issues "Notices" or "Memorandums" in order to clarify certain issues or conflicts between Orders, Advisories, or even Memo's! One such memo recently issued deals with FSIMS Order 8900.1 Vol 4, Chapter 9, Fig 4-68 Major Repair Job Aids.... this memo is dated Feb 18, 2010 which attempts to clarify the FAA "Expectation" that ACO, FSDO/MCO and DER's follow guidelines for STC, Major Alterations, and Field Approvals. Since it was issued jointly by AFS 300, and AIR 140, both FSDO and ACO staff and designees are obliged to follow that guidance. We would also recommend review of AC 43-210A, and Order(s) 8130.6, 8110.37x, sect 4-10 thru 4-13., AC21.47, AC33.9. & 8300.16a. The latest 8300.16a has replaced ALL DER guidance for Modification approvals.
What guidance is available for the new Part 21 changes?
The FAA has issued several advisories namely: AC 21-42, 21-43, & 21-44. & Order 8120.17. Additionally there is a pre-amble to the change that defines the rule change effect, and intent. [Ref http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-24821.htm ]. Always check with your managing ACO for latest guidance.
What affect will new proposed DER delegation by rules have?
The FAA has begun advising that the change will come within 2014 to 2016 renewal periods. [yet to be officially announced]. The DER'd must show by prior 8110-3 evidence that they have apprpriately used specific rules for their delegated areas & functions to obtain certain rule allocated authority. A proposed chart system has been published and shown at DER recurrent training seminars. You should contact your geographic ACO and advisor for more specifics before your next renewal. Stay tuned with your Mgmt ACO.
What affect will new proposed FAA EASA MAG 7+ agreement have on Repair Stations & Air Operators regarding 8130-3 for replacement parts used in a repair?
Since MAG 7 the agreement has been updated to allow articles previous to in CRS possession but traceable to be used up to a certain date: Ref - Significant changes include the following:
--> Word is MAG 7 v-8 is being developed and may be release in 2020-21!
2901 Ohio Blvd
Suite 140A
Terre Haute, IN 47803
United States
ph: 812-645-4864
fax: 317-203-0727
alt: 812-652-4802